Baby Swing vs Bouncer: Which One’s Right For You?

Last Updated on October 30, 2023

When it comes to keeping your baby entertained and soothed, you have two main options: a baby swing or a bouncer. But which one is right for you and your little one?

We recommend baby swings over the bouncer. It’s because swings offer more features and provide a wider range of motion. 

Swings usually have several settings that let you customize the speed and intensity, whereas bouncers are typically limited to just one or two settings. 

Plus, many baby swings can be used from birth up until your child reaches 25 pounds.

In this article, we will compare baby swings vs bouncers and help you decide which one is right for your little one. So, keep reading!

Baby Swing vs Bouncer

Baby Swing vs Bouncer: Which One’s Right For You?

Choosing between a baby swing and a bouncer can be difficult, as both have their advantages. However, we suggest a baby swing for babies who can hold their heads up and can sit comfortably in the swing

Baby swings are designed to provide back-and-forth movement that can help soothe and lull babies to sleep. 

They typically come with features like music, sounds, vibration, reclining seats, and adjustable speeds. Many swings also come with toys or other entertainment features to keep your baby engaged.

Bouncers, on the other hand, are designed to provide a steady bounce that can help relax babies and keep them entertained. They usually come with toys or other entertainment features as well as adjustable straps and reclining positions. 

Some bouncers even come with vibration settings that can help soothe babies while they play.

When deciding between a swing and a bouncer, consider the size of your home and your budget

Swings are larger than bouncers and require more space to operate safely. Additionally, they are more expensive than bouncers due to their additional features and larger size.

On the other hand, a baby bouncer may seem harmless and convenient. 

However, pediatricians don’t recommend it due to the angle of the bouncers at which newborns are positioned in them—usually between 30 and 45 degrees. 

Newborns haven’t yet developed any of their resting muscles, making this effect all the more dangerous.

“I don’t recommend baby bouncers for newborns because the angle of the seat is too vertical for them to be safely supported,” says Alexis Phillips, Pediatrician at Memorial Hermann Health System. “Newborns should be placed in a flat position on their back, as this helps to support the head, neck and back.”

Also read: Baby sleeping in swing bad for spine

Pros and Cons of a Baby Swing


1. A baby swing can help soothe a baby and put them to sleep. The gentle rocking motion mimics the movement of being in a parent’s arms, which can be calming for babies who are fussy or overtired.

2. Swinging is an ideal way for parents to get some hands-free time while their baby sleeps. If a parent needs to take care of other tasks such as laundry or cooking, they can put their baby in the swing and have peace of mind that the baby is comfortable and safe until they return.

3. Some swings come with adjustable speeds, so you can find one suitable for your infant’s preferences. Different sounds, music, and toys can also be used to keep your baby entertained.


1. Some experts recommend limiting the amount of time a baby spends in a swing since it does not support developing muscles or improve motor skills.

2. Mechanical swings may not be as safe as manual rocking ones, as they cannot mimic the movement of a parent’s arms with the same precision. Also, some types of swing seats are more rigid than others and should only be used if recommended by an expert.

3. Swings can be noisy due to their motors and other features, which might make it difficult for babies to sleep peacefully in them. Additionally, some swings take up a lot of space and may not be suitable for smaller homes.

Pros and Cons of a Baby Bouncer

Pros of a Baby Bouncer:

1. Convenience: A baby bouncer can also provide hours of entertainment and comfort for your little one while allowing you to get other tasks done around the house or enjoy some time for yourself. 

It’s an easy way to keep your baby safe and occupied without having to constantly hold them or find ways to entertain them.

2. Developmental Benefits: Bouncing encourages motor development, as well as strengthens the neck, back and leg muscles. Many models also feature toys that can help encourage sensory development and visual-spatial skills.

3. Comfort: Babies love the gentle bouncing motion of a baby bouncer; it soothes them just like when they’re held and rocked.

Cons of a Baby Bouncer:

1. Inadequate Support: Some models lack the back support necessary to keep your baby secure, so be sure to read reviews or test out a model before you buy it.

2. Limited Mobility: While bouncing is fun, too much of it can also lead to overstimulation for some babies, making them fussy and unable to settle down for sleep or playtime on their own. 

Additionally, baby bouncers don’t provide as much mobility as strollers or other gear meant for outdoor use.

3. Safety Concerns: Never leave your child unattended in a baby bouncer, no matter how secure it looks. Also, be sure to keep the baby bouncer away from stairs and other hazards when in use.

Also read: How To Store Baby Swing? | The Baby Swing

Do babies need a swing and bouncer?

The answer is both yes and no. While swings and bouncers can provide comfort, stimulation, and entertainment for babies, they are not essential items.

Swings and bouncers can be beneficial for parents who need a few extra hands-free moments to get things done. 

They also provide a safe place for babies to rest or play while being supervised by an adult. Swings and bouncers can help soothe fussy babies with gentle rocking motions, vibrations, music, and sounds.

However, swings and bouncers should not replace the importance of holding your baby or providing them with other forms of physical contact. 

It’s important to remember that these devices are meant to be used in moderation as part of a balanced routine that includes plenty of cuddles and tummy time.

When shopping for a swing or bouncer, you must consider safety features such as adjustable straps, reclining seats, vibration settings, music options, timer settings, weight limits, age limits, and more

You also need to ensure you choose one that fits your budget since prices can vary significantly depending on the features you select.

Do you need both a swing and bouncer?

No, you do not need both a swing and a bouncer. These are the things that tend to be quite particular to each baby.  Some babies love the motion of a swing, while others prefer the rocking and bouncing of a bouncer. It is best to try both out and see which one your baby prefers.

However, as stated above, swings are better for babies compared to bouncers as they provide more support for your baby’s head and neck, as well as a gentle rocking motion that can be soothing.

“However, you should remember that swings and bouncers should only be used for short periods of time and shouldn’t replace the importance of holding your baby or providing them with other forms of physical contact,” added Dr. Alexis. 

Therefore, it’s best to use these devices in moderation as part of a balanced routine that includes plenty of cuddles and tummy time. 

Also read: When do babies stop using swing

Why are bouncers not recommended?

Why are bouncers not recommended?

Bouncers are not recommended for infants and toddlers due to the potential risks they pose. Bouncers can cause falls, which can lead to head injuries or even death. Additionally, bouncers can cause babies to become overstimulated, leading to fussiness and difficulty sleeping. 

Babies should always be supervised while in a bouncer, and you should follow the manufacturer’s instructions for use. 

Furthermore, bouncers should never be placed on an elevated surface such as a table or countertop. It should always be placed on the floor, and infants or toddlers should never be left unattended in a bouncer. 

What to Consider When Choosing a Bouncer, Swing or Rocker?

Choosing the right bouncer, swing or rocker for your little one can be an overwhelming task. There are a few key factors to consider when making this important decision.

1. Safety 

Always look for products that have been tested and approved by a trusted organization, such as the Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association (JPMA). Make sure to check the weight limits and follow all manufacturers’ instructions carefully.

2. Comfort

Look for bouncers, swings and rockers with comfortable padding and adjustable recline positions that keep your baby snug while they sleep or play. The seat should also be firm enough to provide support but still soft enough to be comfortable.

3. Size

Consider how much space you have in your home before deciding on a model. If you plan on taking the product with you when travelling, make sure it is lightweight and folds down easily for storage or transport.

4. Features

Most bouncers, swings and rockers come with various features such as music, vibration and adjustable speeds. Choose the ones that will be most beneficial to you and your baby’s needs.

5. Cost

There are many affordable options on the market today, allowing you to choose a product that fits both your budget and lifestyle. Be sure to compare prices before making your final decision.

By taking the time to consider these key factors when choosing a bouncer, swing or rocker for your little one, you can ensure they have the safest and most comfortable sleep environment possible.

Wrapping Up

Thanks for reading this article on baby swings vs bouncers. As you can see, baby swings and bouncers both have their advantages. 

However, we highly recommend baby swings over bouncers for babies who can hold their heads up and sit comfortably in the swing. 

Baby swings provide more features and a wide range of motion to keep your little one entertained and soothed. Plus, they are adjustable to fit any size home or budget.

So if you’re looking for an entertaining way to keep your little one safe, comfortable, and happy—then a baby swing is definitely the right choice! 

We hope this article helped you compare baby swings vs bouncers so that you can make the best decision for your family. 

Please share this article who may need this information. Also, check out our other articles for more helpful tips and advice. 

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Dr. Leah Alexander

Dr. Leah Alexander is a board-certified general pediatrician who has been in practice for over 20 years. She began working as a pediatrician at Elizabeth Pediatric Group of New Jersey in 2000. Since 2005, she has been working as an independently contracted pediatrician with Medical Doctors Associates at Pediatricare Associates of New Jersey. Read more

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